Saving Oceanic White Tips in their Final Atlantic Stronghold

Saving Oceanic White Tips in their Final Atlantic Stronghold

Grantee Wildlife Conservation Society
Location Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Haiti, & Cuba
Grant Amount 913,000
Duration 3 years
Type of Grant Core Grant

Oceanic whitetip sharks (OWT) are now Critically Endangered, with declines of over 90% globally and, without immediate action, extinction is likely within our lifetimes. However, this iconic apex pelagic predator has a lifeline – a relic population has been found and intensively studied in The Bahamas shark sanctuary over the last decade. Even with this lifeline, the species is in continued peril from ongoing targeted and bycatch fisheries mortalities outside of the protected waters of The Bahamas. This project aims to reduced OWT mortality by enhancing protections for the species in the Western Atlantic.