Largetooth Sawfish in the Amazonian Coast: Presence and Improving Enforcement in this Twilight Zone

Largetooth Sawfish in the Amazonian Coast: Presence and Improving Enforcement in this Twilight Zone

Grantee Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)
Location Brazil
Grant Amount 20,000
Duration 1 year
Type of Grant Small Grant
Status: Completed

Largetooth Sawfish are among the most endangered fish species in the world, and the Amazonian Coast is considered one of its last strongholds. However, illegal trade of sawfish parts is still a regional challenge. This project seeks to increase protection for this species by providing ID guides and training for enforcement staff, as well as guidance for fishers, on how to adopt safe-release practices. Environmental DNA analysis will be used to confirm its presence throughout the Region, highlighting its importance for sawfish conservation.