Survey of the nursery areas of green sawfish (Pristis zijsron) in the Sudanese Red Sea

Survey of the nursery areas of green sawfish (Pristis zijsron) in the Sudanese Red Sea

Grantee Igbal SidAhmed Elhassan, University of Bahri
Location Sudanese Red Sea
Grant Amount 25,000
Duration One Year
Type of Grant Small
Status: Completed

This grant will enable the project team to survey the nursery areas of green sawfish along the Sudanese Red Sea to assess the number of new born and juvenile green sawfish in these areas. The ecology of these areas will also be studied.  The project also aims to survey areas where adult green sawfish were found resting on the sand during low tide.  Tissue samples from historical rostra, carcass and from live sawfish will be collected to study the genetic diversity of this species. Environmental DNA (eDNA) will be collected from areas where green sawfish were historically common to investigate whether they are present now.  An education and awareness campaign on the status of green sawfish will be conducted among the fishermen and their communities in conjunction with the survey.  Fishermen will be trained on detangling sawfish rostrum from their nets. The Marine Fisheries Administration will be involved in these surveys to help ensure the protection of these habitats, as well as the survival and recovery of green sawfish in the Sudanese Red Sea.